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What questions should I ask candidates at an interview?

Knowing what questions to ask can go a long way.

It’s advantageous to prepare questions in advance when interviewing prospective employees. Asking open-ended questions allows a greater look into the past experiences of the interview candidate. Below are 15 basic questions. When selecting a question remember that you might want to ask a follow-up question or two, so consider each question carefully. More importantly, always tailor your questions to your specific needs.

1. Why do you want to work for me/us? 2.How much experience do have working as a/an______________? 3. Have you ever been employed in a private residence before? 4. Can you explain why you think you would be a good fit in this household? 5. What are your strongest skills for this position? 6. What skills do you wish to develop while working here? 7. What do you consider your weaknesses? 8. What does an average day look like to you? 9. What are your expectations of us, as your employers? 10. Do you view this position as a long-time commitment? 11. What experience do you have? 12. How would your skills help in the event of an emergency? 13. What knowledge and experience do you have that make you a good candidate for this position? 14. How has your knowledge and experience helped you navigate through a tough situation? 15. Can you tell me/us about a time when you had to react during an emergency and how you handled it?

A final word: Be as clear as possible with the candidate about your expectations, including hours, responsibilities, and salary. The more an employee understands what you want from the outset, the higher the chance of finding a good fit during the hiring process.

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